Thursday, June 27, 2013

June 27, 2013 – Thursday
64 degrees/partly cloudy/hazy/humid
Pentoga Road

… and the heavens opened Wednesday afternoon and down poured the rain; almost two inches falling in an hour-and-a-half. More is predicted before a cold front marches through later today, clears the air, and lowers the temperatures by twenty degrees.

I’ve decided to keep my knee and not sell it on Ebay. Though still swollen, the pain has subsided and it has become much looser and seemingly stronger. Right now, the other muscles in both legs are bothering me. I’ve been hobbling for so long that they are not-so-subtly telling me they are weak and out of shape. I’m taking it easy, but it feels good to become somewhat mobile once again. Thoughts of a week-long fall hike on the Appalachian Trail with my son Luke are beginning to creep into my head.

I caught up on grading in the summer term class I’m teaching. I wish I could carry this group of students right into the fall semester. All are professionals, many experienced teachers, and each knows how to play the game. Rather than question every assignment, whine if one seems more challenging than they believe it should be, or submit excuses why assignments are late, each does what has to be done and moves on. I’m going to hate to see them matriculate from ALST 300 in August!

Two hours were spent weeding in the garden on Wednesday. In fact, it was the heat and humidity that finally ran me into the house, not my knee. With the warm weather and moisture, everything is finally beginning to grow in leaps and bounds. I’m feeling better about my chances for some measure of horticultural success this summer.

Carrots, basil, radishes and two giant pumpkin plants
The strawberries are coming on and I picked the first bowl yesterday afternoon. All are cleaned and sugared and will be ladled over cereal or eaten by themselves in the next day or two. Those I pick today and for the remainder of the season will be frozen for this coming winter along with being eaten fresh.

Well, its official. As of 6 AM this morning, the diet has started. Aunt Joanne called the pounds I’ve accumulated in the past six weeks, “boredom weight.” I haven’t stepped on the scale yet, but will tonight. I’m fairly certain there are about ten extra pounds calling my body home that shouldn’t be there. It’s time they go.

Sargie goes in early this morning. I’m not sure what’s on my agenda. I need to restring the teepee-like trellis for the pole beans. The giant pumpkins need another shot of fertilizer and the blueberries and pumpkins housed in pots need to be weeded and fertilized. The turnips ought to be thinned and there are radishes about ready to harvest. Then there’s the shop. Only about half is put away.

So much to do, so little me. But, I’m not surprised. Why? Because a man’s work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road…

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