Sunday, June 2, 2013

June 2, 2013 – Sunday
38 degrees/cloudy/windy
Pentoga Road

I think I’m safe in saying the cold front went through during the night. I’ve gone from wearing shorts, a t-shirt, and old sneakers, to donning a pair of heavy jeans, a flannel shirt, and boots (when I go outside). For certain, with a low of 30 degrees forecast for overnight, we’ll be covering the garden later this afternoon.

Things are well in the Kingdom of Little Girls this morning. Actually, I feel as though I’ve taken some sort of crash course majoring in the daily lives of five-and-under year-old girl mini-people. My major has always been in boys, lots and lots of boys.

Boys, even little boys, like to wrestle, make animal sounds, get dirty, play outside, and do… well, mini-guy stuff.

Girls appear to be different. If you want to know anything about Princess Sophia the First, just ask. I’m also somewhat of an expert on Dr. McStuffins, another Disney Channel favorite.

Naturally, Mother Nature threw us a loop this weekend. For three days this past week, the daytime weather has been sunny and in the upper 70’s to low 80’s. The girls brought their life jackets and swimsuits and we’d planned on going kayaking, perhaps having a picnic after. Instead, we ventured into town, wandered through a store or two and finally, came back home to play inside and watch television. I’m not very adept at either.

One town experience was new to me. Auntie Sargie wanted to stop by the grocery store and pick up a few things. I agreed to stay in the car with the girls.

Marley initially made mention she had to go potty really bad. I asked if she could wait until we got home. She thought she could. A few minutes later, she said she had to go really really bad.

To make matters worse, we’d purchased a bag of chocolate covered pretzels earlier and the girls and I were enjoying snacks while waiting for Auntie Sargie. My hands and face were chocolate-free as was Marley’s, but the wet, gooey, brown, drool-laden, syrupy, stuff covered year-and-a-half old Aubrey from her head to her toes. I thought she was pretty cute adorned in all the glop until I had to deal with it.

I had no towels to wipe her face or hands and Marley was doing the Potty Dance.  I manned up, freed both girls from their car seats, gathered chocolate-covered Aubrey into my arms, and into the store we went.

Marley didn’t want to go into the women’s restroom by herself and kept telling me I had to come with. I had Aubrey, who was attracting a lot of attention, in my arms. Finally, a kind soul, a beautiful, wonderful, lady whom I’d never seen before in my life, volunteered to make sure Marley was ok. I stayed outside the restroom while half of Iron River walked by making faces at Aubrey and asking how old my granddaughter was. Marley exited a few minutes later with a smile on her face.

Profusely thanking the woman who helped, she assured me she had children and grandchildren and was no stranger to spur of the moment munchkin adversities. Typical Yooper. Thanks again, whoever you are.

We arrived back at the car at the same time as Sargie. Proclaiming that Aubrey and I were covered in chocolate, we made our way home.

Brutus continues to be a model pup with the girls. One of the funniest incidents was when he slapped Aubrey's face several times with his tail. Aubrey, Brutus's newest bestest friend in the world, took it all in stride and simply smiled. Brutus allows the girls to do anything they want with him and if he grows tired of little girl antics, he simply moves elsewhere.

Mommy and Daddy are due to arrive later this afternoon. So far this morning, Auntie Sargie fixed all of us French toast and the girls had baths. The Disney Channel once again appears to be the entertainment of the hour. Everything appears normal on Pentoga Road.

I’m heading out to the garage fairly soon and begin cleaning, sorting, and throwing away. I’m not sure what day this week the paving crew will arrive, but I want to be ready. I’ve got a feeling the next few days are going to be busy ones. After all, a man’s work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road…

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