Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The blueberries and fruit trees are budding and should have leaves or blossoms in the next week or two. Despite the harsh winter, it appears all survived in good shape. 
May 8, 2013 – Wednesday
42 degrees/clear/calm
Pentoga Road

I think the meteorologist is going to score a hat trick with three nice days in a row. After the winter and late spring, these near-perfect days are truly appreciated.

I was out the door at sunrise on Tuesday morning laying mulch and spreading wood chips. The black mulch is almost at the end of the roll and as of now, we’re planning on going to Green Bay on Sunday, Sargie’s next day off, to purcase more at Sam’s Club. The price is less than half of what it costs locally and as Sargie quipped, she never turns down an excuse to go to Green Bay. Me neither.

Sargie worked late on Tuesday, so Brutus and I didn’t take our five-mile stroll until later in the morning after the temperature had warmed considerably. I ran at least half the distance and after four miles, fearful of having to throw the pup over one shoulder to carry him the last mile home, I decided to stop at the local lake to let him have a drink of water and cool off.

Talk about a con job. It was an instant recovery. I took the leash off his collar and he sprinted to the boat landing, splashed into the water, and began swimming in an effort to chase some nearby ducks. I wasn't walking fast enough so Brutus began barking in an effort to hurry me so I might play fetch.  

Two boys from the DNR were putting in their boat to set nets and do a fish survey. I wanted to talk about fish, they wanted to play with the bulldog. We compromised and did both. One, especially, delighted in throwing a large stick into the water and having Brutus swim out and bring it back.

We arrived home later than usual and I resumed working in the orchard. Brutus flopped in the shade of a large spruce tree and immediately fell asleep. He was completely worn out.

Neighbor Mike and his friend, Terry, happened by. They are down from Marquette turkey hunting and while here, I roped them into helping me move the greenhouse to the garden area. Though it looks somewhat imposing to move by hand, the entire structure doesn’t weigh a hundred pounds and with each of them taking a back corner and me in front, the process was quick and simple.

Weighted to the ground by eight cement blocks (four hundred pounds) I’m not sure the structure is in it’s permanent place, but it’ll do for now. Eventually, I want to build a potting shed and permanently attach the greenhouse onto the south side.

Since Sargie had to work late, Brutus and I took another three-mile walk to the lake last evening. He splashed and defended America from those mean, insidious, ducks that peacefully patrol the shoreline. He also attempted to catch a muskrat, but soon discovered that was a no-brainer.

Poor Sargie didn’t arrive home until 9:30 last night. We spent a very short evening together before bedtime. I went ahead while she was in the bathroom doing whatever it is girls do before going to bed and fell immediately sound asleep. We sure lead an exciting nightlife.

Thankfully, Sargie works early today. I’m going to do what I can in the orchard until the black mulch runs out then begin working on the mower. It will take most the day to disassemble the deck, grease the fittings, replace some bearings, put on new blades, change the oil, filters, etc. I’ll be mowing next week if not sooner.

It’s to rain and be chilly on Thursday and there’s no lack of inside work to be done. The syllabus for the summer session needs to be finished and uploaded and there’s still trim to finish in the upstairs bathroom. A man’s work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road…

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