Tuesday, March 12, 2013

March 12, 2013 – Tuesday morning
17 degrees/snow showers/calm winds
Pentoga Road

I accompanied Sargie for a mile and a half on Monday morning as she made her way towards work. With close to nine inches of snow lying on the road, I was grateful for my decision to bring the Blazer (along with its four-wheel drive) from Alaska last spring. Once we arrived at the main route, one that was plowed, we parted company. She drove on to Iron Mountain, I waded back to the house.

I enjoy blowing snow from the drive and patio. With no wind and a goodly depth of snow, I was sending streams of the white powder twenty, sometimes thirty, feet away.

The rest of the day was spent making a heating table, one that can supply bottom warmth to delicate seeds so they might sprout. First, I had to build the table, cut a circular hole in the top then insert a heat lamp facing up. The next challenge was to find something in which to put the seed flat. The bottom of a clear tote solved that problem. With plastic wrap covering the top, I hope to see geraniums sprouting this next week.

I concluded my working day by cleaning the house. I dusted, then swept, and had it looking nice by the time Sargie got home.

It was a busy day in the Vision Center. Though Sargie was scheduled to be finished at 5 PM, the clock was showing 7 before she left and it was past 8 PM before she walked through the door. Needless to say, bedtime came early.

I’m taking a rare solo road trip today in the Blazer. A greenhouse kit I’ve tried purchasing finally came into the Harbor Freight store on the outskirts of Green Bay and they said they’d hold it for me. I’ll be following Sargie towards Iron Mountain this morning, then head south to Title Town. Thankfully, the store is on the outskirts of the city and all of my travels will be on either remote county roads or four lane highways.  I’m hoping to be back home shortly after noon.

It’s a short one today. I’ve got things to do before I leave. After all, a man’s work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road…

I don't think the flower beds are quite ready for spring planting.

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