Friday, October 12, 2012

October 12, 2012 – Friday
20 degrees
Pentoga Road

Ok, so I have to admit, it was nice getting up to a warm house this morning. With seven-month-old Bree visiting, I set the thermostat last night to a relatively balmy 65 degrees and fell off to sleep.

I’ve maintained for sometime that what this house needs is a spark of youth. Bree is proving my theory 100% correct. What a ray of sunshine she is.

Today’s going to be a short log. The kids arrived after an eight-hour drive from South Bend, Indiana, late Thursday afternoon. I was in the barn doing some welding when they pulled into the drive. Wonderful!

We spent last evening talking, but mostly, playing with Bree. She’s so happy and at seven months of age, is full of life, giggles, blows bubbles, and allows her Great Uncle Tom to make noises by blowing on her belly.

Auntie Sargie is no less taken by this bundle of joy. I was up early this morning when Daddy and Bree appeared at the bottom of the steps. We played for a while until it was time for Sargie to rise for the day. I took Bree up the steps and put her in bed with Auntie Sargie. The fun began anew.

I was wondering earlier this morning… what other entity in the world can reduce an old man down to a bundle of flesh who babbles baby talk, makes funny faces, plays with a dolly, and manufactures a tickle bug out of a palm and five fingers that attacks a seven-month-old’s tummy?

Mmm, Daddy's coffee tastes sooo good!
We took a short walk last night to feed the bears. Bree is made for the outdoors. She giggled when we stepped out the door and though the temperatures were chilly, she was happy to snuggle with Daddy and enjoy the walk. Poor Lynette wasn’t so fortunate. She had to suffer during the walk since Markus was otherwise occupied. It was cold.

Today is forecast to be the only nice one for the weekend. I think we’ll take a drive and I’ll show them the sights, certainly the rapids and falls, the Mansfield Church, and any other local attractions.

Everyone’s up. Time to end this and grab another cup of coffee.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road…

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