Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Hey, I went fishing in Indian Lake on Tuesday. Did I ever clean up!
OK, just messin' with your head. These were from a catch in Sitka last year while still in Alaska.
October 10, 2012 – Wednesday                                               
31 degrees and windy
Pentoga Road

Tuesday was probably the most laid-back day I’ve had since retirement began in May. I started the day with my usual walk and after…

I really wanted to work on the traps in the barn and managed to dump the water from the trashcan in which I’d boiled them. But then it started to rain and blow and my poor little delicate hands got cold.

I thought I’d go in the house for a bit, yeah, that was it.

There are many things worse than sitting in one’s easy chair by the wood stove, sipping coffee, and watching the flames dance to their own rhythm. The rain hitting the tin roof overhead pounded in perfect accompaniment, and not to be outdone, the howling wind was supplying background noise while doing it’s best to strip the remaining leaves from the maple trees surrounding our home. 

I remember thinking I’d sit for a few minutes until my coffee was finished, then I’d get to work.

It seems I had a bottomless pot. Oh, I graded assignments off and on during the day and even managed to swipe a rag over the furniture and run the vacuum sweeper, but in reality? I sat on my backside most the day being lazy.

At one point, I opened my eyes… and I didn’t even know they were closed. The hour-long nap left me wanting more and it was only with the greatest amount of willpower that I rose from my chair and walked to the mailbox, mostly to get the blood circulating through my body.

I was so lazy on Tuesday that I couldn’t even conjure up the energy to take any pictures.

I managed to throw one load of laundry in the wash machine late Tuesday afternoon, but it’s still there. I’ll hang it out on the line this morning. Lord knows, there’s plenty of wind to help it dry.

Sargie arrived home late from visiting her father at the VA after work. She’d had a good day filled with the usual mix of characters that seem to wander through.

And so today is here. Though there’s snow predicted and already a dusting on the ground, the skies are clear and the stars are shining brightly.

I’m going to boil traps this morning then go for my walk. The saplings are still lying on the ground waiting to be fed into the chipper/shredder and there are mink and muskrat boxes that need to be built. 

No lazy retired guy act for me. As Dad used to say, “There are bales to lift and barges to tote.” (a Dad-paraphrase lifted from a line in the song Old Man River from the musical Showboat.)

It’s beginning to get light in the east. The barges and bales won’t wait. Time to greet the day.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road…

Mosquito Cove at the "end of the road" in Sitka

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