Sunday, October 14, 2012

Auntie Sargie gets a bit of Bree time
October 14, 2012 - Sunday
T minus one day until opening day of trapping season
41 degrees
Pentoga Road

Bree and I have been sitting here discussing world politics and international trade relations for the past few minutes. It amazes me how smart these modern day munchkins are.

OK, that may be an exaggeration. Actually, we’ve been playing with an old pair of rubber pants, beads, and some sort of unbreakable mirror gismo designed especially for seven month-old little cutie pie girls.

My pint-sized buddy has just learned how to lean forward enough to flip onto her belly. Unfortunately she’s not figured out the coordination of arms and legs and her tummy prohibits her from being mobile... so there she lies, like a beached mini whale, often screaming for help. This morning, it’s either been Daddy or Uncle Tom to the rescue.

Saturday was a conglomeration of activities, most of them low-key. Markus started the day by making pancakes, some regular, others filled with chocolate chips. Smothered in Pentoga-made maple syrup, we feasted on sausage, cakes, and eggs.

With Sargie working, Lynette spent the majority of the day preparing a to-die-for meal in the kitchen… chicken Cordon Bleu, fried and marinated garden vegetables, oatmeal cookies, etc. etc. etc. Oh what a spread that girl made.

Markus, Bree, and I, went to town early in the day to get the ingredients Lynette required. We also stopped by the lumberyard so I could purchase a piece of rerod. The only problem was it only came in twenty-foot sections. The yard-guy helped and we bent it in half so it might fit inside Markus’s van.

Shopping with the big boys is tiring. Bree fell asleep on the way home.
We took advantage of the rainy weather by watching part of a movie, talking, and simply being lazy. Bree’s sleep cycle has been disrupted so she’s taking short naps two or three times a day and unfortunately, doing the same at night, waking several times causing her mommy or daddy to get up with her.  

We've not used the DVD player in a long time. I rolled the air compressor from the barn to the back deck and stretched the hose into the house so Markus could blast the dust from the inside. 

The four of us took an afternoon walk and later, Markus and I left Lynette and Bree at the house, then continued on, logging over four miles for an afternoon stroll.

Sargie was home early and finally, she was able to hold and play with Bree. I imagine today will be an Auntie Sargie/Bree day also. With the kids heading back south tomorrow, Aunt Sargie wants to spend as much time as possible with her.

Mmm, Lynette pulled out all the stops with Saturday evening's meal.
Later, with the dishes cleared and put away and very full tummies, we played Mexican Train. After half a game, Markus has leaped into the lead, Lynette second, and Sargie and I are battling for last place… or if one counted total points, first place! There are less than thirty points separating the four of us. It’ll be a barnburner tonight!!

I’ll wax traps today and Markus said he’d help me put up no hunting signs around the perimeter of the property. I don’t want someone walking in from the public lands in the back unaware the house and yard is nearby.

There’ll also be football today, the Packers game tonight, and no doubt, lots of laughing and talking. Life is good.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road…

Markus asked if he could borrow a cap. It was with pleasure that I loaned my buddy, an avid Patriots fan, a cap representing my favorite NFL team.

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