Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Little House on Pentoga Road
September 15, 2012 – Saturday morning
6:44 AM
Pentoga Road

Thar’s frost on that thar pumpkin this morning! My thermometer is registering 31 degrees and the world outside my windows is white with frozen dew.

It's 31 outside, but only 60 inside. A fire in the stove soon brought it up to 72 degrees.

Trying to eek another week or two from the cherry tomatoes by covering them
It seems awfully early, but really, it is the middle of September in the north woods. It’s time.

Thursday was spent painting. I’ve about written the day’s complete history with those four words. Uncle Terry spent the entire time working on the front porch doing all the intricate detail work, the railings, trim around the door, etc. I busied myself slopping, slapping, and slathering, and managed to cover the back of the house (and myself) with light gray paint. The majority of the day was spent on the ladder reaching and muttering explicatives in the name of a better looking house.

Late in the afternoon, I thought I’d finished until Aunt Sue came out to inspect my work. She pointed out an entire section, one at the highest part, that I’d missed. So, with the ladder fully extended, I climbed onto one roof, then used the step stool to climb from that one onto another, and hanging upside down over the eaves for a few minutes, managed to paint and call the job complete.

It's a long ways down there
Sure, Uncle Terry, it's easy for you to smile and wave. You're on the ground!

Sargie had to be to work by 9 AM Friday and Terry continued his work on the trim. With a forecast of temperatures to fall below freezing, I picked tomatoes, peppers, and the remaining zucchini squash from the garden. Most are downstairs spread out on newspapers where hopefully, they’ll gradually ripen and be used in the coming weeks.

The exterminator pulled into the drive which necessitated we stay out of the house for the next four hours. For $195, we have a guarantee that no fly, spider, or creepy/crawly insect will dare to appear and live within the confines of the little house on Pentoga Road for the next year.

What to do for four hours? Aunt Sue and Uncle Terry suggested we find a restaurant and eat a leisurely lunch. Food cures everything, including how to spend idle hours! Mmm, the chili was excellent, the burger even better at the Circle Café in Alpha.

A late summer rose
We entered the house. Dead flies lay everywhere. I knew we had a few, but had no idea of the millions and billions that were evidently hiding, just waiting to frustrate us sometime in the future by buzzing around our heads. Aunt Sue grabbed the vacuum, I a broom, and while Uncle Terry finished the porch, we began sweeping and cleaning.

There's Uncle Terry, laying down on the job again...
I fixed giant summer garden omelets last night filled with veggies and other goodies too numerous to mention. We went to bed with full tummies and no doubt, dreams of sugarplums danced in our heads. Well, to be honest, full of chili and onions eaten earlier in the day, something else might have been in dancing in my belly during the night.

Sargie’s off today and since it is Uncle Terry and Aunt Sue’s last with us, I think we’ll explore the local area a bit. Aunt Sue wants to see the old log church we love so much. It’ll be a leisurely day spent with our wonderful friends.

A flock of wild turkeys wandered through the back yard to check on our progress while painting
Sargie and I will visit Mr. Milligan tonight at the VA Hospital and bring back a load of belongings from her old home while we’re in that area. Aunt Sue said they’ll spend the time packing and getting ready to move on down the road. They plan on leaving us Sunday morning.

It’s time to get another cup of coffee and throw another log on the fire.

And so are the tales from the little house on Pentoga Road…

The geese are packing up and heading south
…. And yes, Bonnie, I know. I’m mentally working on the book!

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