Monday, September 24, 2012

Packing and moving on Sunday afternoon
September 24, 2012
Pentoga Road

Brr, it’s cold in here this morning. I just got a fire going in the wood stove and presently, there’s a happy fire dancing inside. I don’t want a happy fire, darn it. This isn’t Christmas time. No one’s going to roast chestnuts. I want a roaring, big, ol’ mean, heat-giving blaze.  Guess I ought to kick on the furnace and burn some $4 a gallon heating oil to take the chill off the house before Sargie rises for the day.

In my mind's eye, Sunday almost didn’t exist. I awakened at 6 with my head and eyes aching. Evidently some sort of allergy had taken possession of my body. Sargie suggested I take an over the counter allergy pill.

If one was good, two must be better, and three would relieve the symptoms almost immediately. Three it was!

I fixed huge omelets for brunch. After Saturday’s biscuit fiasco, it felt good to once again cook on solid ground and the late-season garden vegetables served as the main ingredients. At least we’re wise enough to enjoy them. Having been picked last week and now stored in the basement or refrigerator, they won’t last much longer.

Sargie busied herself elsewhere in the house. I sat in my recliner to watch the football games and promptly fell asleep.

I slept the rest of the morning and into the afternoon. It seems that the dosage on the allergy tablets was one. I’d taken three. I should have read the label on the bottle.

I finally roused from sleep and suggested to Sargie we do something, ANYTHING, so I might get the blood flowing once again and hopefully have the medicine work itself from my system. My head was groggy and the rest of me felt as though I were trying to walk through water.

What better way than to move more articles from Sargie’s? We spent the rest of the day packing, fixing, hauling, and moving. Some things went to storage, others to a pile for her sons. The rest was packed into the Blazer to be brought home.

I spent Sunday night grading papers with one eye on the Sunday night game while poor Sargie tried to figure out where to put everything. At one point, I watched her shake her head back and forth in frustration. This moving thing is not for the weak of heart.

Who was the last person to put the cereal away without closing the box? Oops, guess that was me.
Sargie will be working in the Vision Center today saving the eyes of America while I work until noon at the camp. Since the forecast is for clear skies with temperatures in the low 60’s, I think I’ll cut up some firewood this afternoon. We haven’t had a decent day in over a week and I’m beginning to feel the effects of being trapped inside; becoming lackadaisical and eating out of boredom, not because I’m hungry. Yup, it’s time to get busy.

So are the tales of Pentoga Road…

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