Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Monday afternoon was spent cutting firewood
September 25, 2012 – Monday
Pentoga Road

I guess I am officially retired now. FINALLY, the first monthly electronic retirement check reached the bank during the night. One thing for sure, I don’t want to spend it all in one place!

I’m still smarting over the fact that Green Bay was robbed several times of Monday Night’s football game. I stayed up late watching the outcome only to go to bed upset. Whew, that was some ugly!

Monday morning was spent at the camp processing anything left over from the big weekend retreat. In talking with Pastor Tracy, the camp director, we both felt it went quite well, especially since neither of us had experienced one previously and really didn’t know what to expect.

It was a very windy day, with gusts up to forty mph, but since the temperatures were mild, I decided to cut up two old spruce trees that have been on the ground for a couple of years.

I don’t care to burn any type of conifer tree as the sap content is so heavy, but these are fairly dry and available. Burning them this fall means I’ll have to scrub the chimney sooner rather than later, but it also saves the hard wood for the cold winter months.

Monday afternoon and early evening was spent working up the wood and other than ten or fifteen pieces left to split, that chore is finished. A new stack is being made outside and will be covered with a tarp. Other than the hardwood shed, I’m out of room for any more wood.

It was a tired boy who took a shower and settled in for a night of football Monday evening. Sargie finished work at 6 and stopped at her old house to pack the contents of the bathrooms into several boxes and totes. She arrived home much later after a long and full day.

I took the opportunity last night to make my fall trapping supply order. It was bigger than normal as I needed many of the basics, stretcher boards, dye, wax, etc. Sunday night, I purchased a half dozen coon cuff traps, those that are very simple to use and are dog proof. It appears my target species this year will be raccoon, although I’m set up for coyote, fox, mink, and most any other critter. I enjoy trapping much more than hunting and presents a good excuse to be in the boonies trying to outsmart the wildlife.

I’m taking the Man Truck to work today and will cut up a dead fallen maple tree this afternoon. That wood will be brought home, worked up, and put in the hardwood shed. I have room for one, possibly two, pickup truck loads and that will be it for the year.

Sargie closes tonight. It’s going to be a long day for her as it will be past 9:30 before she gets home. I guess the people who run the lottery haven’t yet heard it’s our turn to win a few million.

It’s clear, cold, and the sun is rising. Time to greet the day.

And so are the tales from Pentoga Road…


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