Missing most of his front teeth, I don't know how Hambone can clean the corn off a cob, but he does and in short order.
July 11, 2021 - Sunday morning
49 degrees/clear skies/calm winds
Pentoga Road
I'm making this a short one today as I want to get outside and spray for weeds before any wind begins to blow. We continue to experience near-perfect days, temperatures in the 70's to low 80's with lots of sunshine and little humidity.
Saturday was a busy one on Pentoga Road. Back from my early morning walk, I loaded Hambone into the Blazer and we drove to the local sand and gravel pit for a load of sand.
Like most boys, he was enthralled watching the big dump trucks be loaded and just as excited as a bucket of sand was dumped into the trailer.
Once home, we began began filling sand bags. They would be used to extend our "beach" a bit further into the water so any little ones playing in the sand wouldn't be able to slip into deeper water.
We had quite the assembly line going. Hambone and Grandma Sargie filled the bags so quickly that I couldn't keep up with carrying and placing them in the water.
Slowly, the small box being built out from the beach began to take form. Once the bags were set in place, we filled the area with sand.
Finally, Hambone was sent into the water to walk around and pack it all down.
The water began to resemble coffee with creamer and I became a bit concerned. I need not have worried. After sitting overnight, it has settled and the fish seem to be doing quite well.
In the picture below, all those white dots are baby goldfish, thousands of them.
Last night was spent in front of the television. Grady has discovered Josh Gage's Expedition Unknown on the Travel Channel and soaks up the true facts and figures of each program like a sponge. He was so interested in the Bermuda Triangle that he spent half an hour on the phone last night educating his father. Mississippi Brother Garry sent a picture of his latest work, a turned plate that included some detailed wood burning to incorporate any imperfections in the wood.
As with all of Mississippi Brother Garry's pieces, it's beautiful, just beautiful.

I'm not sure what today will bring. I'm going to spray weeds, go for my walk, then continue to split firewood. No doubt, we'll be swimming, possibly fishing, and I've promised Hambone that we'll have a fire tonight, complete with s'mores.
Sounds like a pretty good time to me.
After all, a man's work is never done.
So are the tales from Pentoga Road...
Having filled sandbags, Grandma Sargie was content to observe as Hambone and I added the finishing touches.
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