Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Suddenly, they're everywhere.
World renowned wildlife photographer, Yooper Brother Mark, snapped this photo of a fawn hiding behind their garage last evening.

June 2, 2021 - Wednesday morning
47 degrees/clear skies/calm winds
Pentoga Road

It's another quick write this morning as the window installers will be here shortly after 8 to replace the two front dining room windows. I want to go for my walk and be back home before they arrive.

Yesterday was all about planting on Pentoga Road, either in the garden or in Sargie's case, filling her planters and pots with flowers, vines, and other pretties.

I had my hands in dirt the entire day. In some cases, more top soil had to be added to the raised beds, so I ferried several loads from a special pile to where it was needed.

Squash, pumpkins, cucumbers, kohlrabi, peppers, carrots, beets, and... wait, it's easier to write what I didn't plant. Tomatoes, cauliflower, broccoli, and rutabagas, plus Jack be Little pumpkins, are all that's left to go in the ground.

Each bed was prepared in the same manner. First came a liberal coating of commercially processed cow manure.

After, the bed was tilled, raked, and finally, planted.

Sargie wasn't idle by any definition of the word. Whether it was working on the patio planters or filling and planting her large pots, she was a busy girl.

Pulling the small trailer behind the four wheeler, Sargie drove her pots to the top soil pile where they were filled and made ready to plant.

It took her most the day to plant everything, just so, and we even made a quick dash to town late in the afternoon to purchase a few needed "filler" plants.

The spikes that overwintered in the basement, along with vinca vines and geraniums, not only survived, they thrived, and in many cases, multiplied.

Sargie said she has a few last minute additions to her pots and planters before they will be distributed around the yard and garden.

Neighbor Alaska Curt and his visiting daughter, Megan (I hoped I spelled Meg's name correctly) walked past late in the afternoon and we had a good visit.

Meg's a world class (or as she most humbly says, more like an American class) marathon runner and competes nationally on a regular basis. She'll be back in Anchorage in a few weeks to run then will be off to do the same in California shortly after. It's seldom (as in never) that we have a world class athlete training on Pentoga Road.

Other happenings on Pentoga Road that occurred on Tuesday:

The county crew went by once again filling the cracks left by this past spring's frost heaves. We're grateful for what they do. They not only work hard, they're nice people. 

Love springs eternal on Pentoga Road. The goldfish continue to spawn, the girls being chased hither, thither, and yon, by some overly hormonal boys. 

I still think there's some merit to starting an internet adult-only goldfish site. Sargie and I could be potential millionaires, who knows? 

Speaking of love springing eternal; when Sargie and I were first dating, we were talking when the song Baker Street began to play. Getting up from where I was sitting, I asked if she'd like to dance.

She initially hesitated, then agreed, and since, it's been one of "our songs." 

Our other song? I'd Like to Make It With You by Bread.

I was working in the garden yesterday, Sargie was on the back deck planting flowers. Music was playing from an outside speaker. 

The song? Baker Street.

I immediately ceased my labor and began walking towards the house.

Sargie threw her trowel to the ground along with any cares and woes. Within seconds, we were wrapped in each other's arms, dancing to our song, laughing, and pondering if our eight sons would have us committed if they could see us.

Ah, who cares? It's none of their darn business.

Last night saw the usual, a quick shower, a salad for supper, and a concerted effort on my part to keep my eyes open until bedtime. 

Time for my morning walk. We hope to finish planting today and tonight will see us watching Hambone play soccer. Whee Haw!

It's certain that to live on Pentoga Road is to experience life in the fast lane. 

Hang on.

After all, a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

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