Thursday, May 6, 2021

The black bear population is alive and well on Pentoga Road

May 6, 2021 - Thursday morning
26 degrees/clear skies/calm winds
Pentoga Road

I've seen quite a few bear signs in the woods this spring and after unloading the pictures on the trail cam yesterday, it's easy to understand why. I don't mind having bears around as long as they stay away from the house and yard.

It was the summer of 2010 when I was staying here by myself and heard a noise on the back deck. At 2 AM, dressed only in my BVD's, I crept downstairs and looked out the back window. 

The canvas cover on the grill had a life of its own. Obviously there was a critter enjoying any goodies that had dripped into the grease cup.

I was convinced it was a raccoon, but after banging the outside of the cover and yelling, what I heard wasn't the sound of a raccoon. It was coming from a baby bear.

Oh Lord, I knew Mama wasn't far away. They never are. You've heard, "Mean as a mama bear?" I can attest from personal experience that it's not said lightly.

I ripped the cover off.  Shining the flashlight up into the bowels of the grill, I saw the tiny cub had his paw caught in the spring that held the grease cup. 

After looking out into the dark of the back yard for a charging mama bear, I grabbed the little guy by the scruff on his neck and keeping his mouth away from my other hand, managed to free his paw. Setting the crying, screaming, baby bear onto the deck, he quickly scampered into the night yelling for his mama.

Whew, I dodged a bullet there. Still actively traveling in bush Alaska, I could envision the headlines in our local paper.


Having been around bears in northern Maine and especially with grizzlies in Alaska, I wasn't worried about the baby, but not knowing where Mama was gave me cause for concern. I never did see her or the cub again.

I've kiddingly offered to catch one of our newest triplet bear cubs and give it to Hambone for a new cuddly playmate and as a friend for Sadie, but so far, I've not been taken up on my offer. Failing that, I guess we'll enjoy a summer of occasional baby bear antics on Pentoga Road.  

It must be a banner year for coyotes also. Seems they run up and down the path almost nightly.

Famished after my early morning walk, Wednesday began with a big breakfast. I only show the following picture for my sister-in-law, Nancy, who marvels at how much I eat and how high I can pile the food on a dinner plate. It's taken many years to perfect that technique.

Whoops, might have missed with the eggs

I double checked my dentist appointment time and found that I had the dates wrong. It's today at noon.

Knowing that, I happily skipped out to the backhoe and began removing the two spruce stumps.

The trees weren't huge, but their roots had grown above and below ground up to twenty feet away.

In the end, the area looked like a battle field, but it was stump and root free.

Next came getting rid of the debris and making the area ready to landscape.

Sargie and I spent much of the afternoon picking up roots. Those that were sticking out from far below the ground were cut under the surface using a sawsall. 

The area was finally ready to be leveled by pulling a large, heavy, pallet behind the four wheeler. 

It was late afternoon when two tired kids came shuffling through the back door and into the shower.

Mission accomplished.

I'd just finished using the backhoe yesterday when Sargie noticed there was hydraulic fluid streaming from underneath. I quickly checked the hoses and found all were good, so who knows? I managed to get it up to the barn and will deal with it in the future. Honestly, right now, I'm all backhoe'd out. Keeping the machine running this spring has been quite the challenge and I'm tired of messing with it. I'll give it a few days before diving back into the mechanical side of life.

Sleep came easy last night, mighty easy.

I'll spend some time this morning raking a few places by hand, but otherwise, it's ready for grass seed. 

The sun is up and it's time to head out for my morning walk. I think I'll trying making a video this morning using my new selfie stick. I hate the darn things, but they are handy when walking and talking at the same time. Stay tuned for that one.

Otherwise, I'm going to rake and spread grass seed this morning, go to my dentist appointment at noon, then maybe I'll relax on the deck, sip a mint julep, and watch Sargie steer her riding mower over the lawn. 

Well, there's that fantasy, but in reality, I'll be close by, pushing the trim mower.

After all, a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

Isn't it a thing of poise and beauty? Who knows, I might have been a ballerina in my previous life.
A balancing act while moving a large boulder

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