Thursday, April 15, 2021


April 15, 2021 - Thursday
32 degrees/clouds/snow/calm winds
Pentoga Road

Ah, April 15th.

Today used to be referred to as Tax Day, at least in our house, but with new rules and the "anything goes" attitude in Washington DC, April 15th has become just another day. We took our taxes to the preparers back in mid February. Growing concerned that we'd not heard anything, Sargie called a few days ago and were rather haughtily told that the new filing date is now May 21st. 

Why not make it June 21st, or July or August? Heck, why even have a filing date? The Feds are giving it away faster than it's coming in anyway. Might as well just tell everyone to keep it. 

Snow/rain/snow/rain/snow/wind... ah, let's add a bit more snow to the mix. Thankfully, none is sticking and it's more like white rain that continues to fall.

We've had a continual fire going in the wood stove, more to keep the dampness out of the house than for heat. 

(Reading the above, don't I sound like a happy camper this morning? I'm not in a bad mood, just feeling BLAH. I think it's the weather.)

I spent the majority of Wednesday in the shop. Each letter and flower of Cheeks' sign was carefully painted by hand with every petal outlined for emphasis.

Though I was sitting at the work table, I'm not certain my back could take more than a day or two of any detailed work. Bent over while painting and examining every petal before outlining each, it was a race between my neck and back to see which might break first.

By afternoon's end, everything had been made ready to permanently mount to the backer board today. As Head of Design and Everything Pretty, Sargie will take over and together, we should finish today.

I've enjoyed making the sign and really, feel as though I ought to make one for each of my granddaughters. All are special to me in their own ways and it'll be something to remember their grandfather by in years to come when I am but a distant memory.

Today will be a repeat of yesterday... and the day before... and the day before that. I'm heading out the door for my morning walk before bringing all the bits and pieces of the sign in the house to have Sargie help arrange and attach everything. 

Following that? Well, I may just lay back in my recliner and watch it snow before closing my eyes in a post-sign victory celebration.

After all, a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

Growing amid the melting snow stands this spring's first flower, the lowly, but beautiful, violet.

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