Monday, February 1, 2021

Welcome to the world, Baby Reese
10 lbs 4 oz - 20 inches 

February 1, 2021 - Monday morning
18 degrees/clear skies/calm winds
Madison, Wisconsin

Reese joined us Sunday, mid morning, and emerged as a healthy bouncing bundle of lots of baby. 

We knew Reese was going to be a real keeper and she surprised no one.

Babies born of Type One diabetic mothers are typically premature and quite large. Hambone was born prematurely and lacked fully developed lungs, yet he weighed over eight pounds. He was the sickest baby in the NICU yet was by far the largest.  Reese went the distance, but picked up a bit of weight along the way.

While waiting for news of the baby's birth, we were entertained Sunday morning by watching the snow removal equipment outside our window. 

With all the parking lots, including that of Costco's, next door, it was a parade of heavy machinery.

After signing off with Cheeks and lighting up the Milligan hotline, we decided to head out for a few hours of exploring.

First thing was to rid the car of snow and blast our way out of the parking lot.

The outdoor mall wasn't far away and in a typical Sargie Pants fashion, she quickly found what she was looking for.

Escaping relatively unscathed, it was time to do some serious eating. Across the street and down the block was an IHop, one of my favorite fine eating establishments.

Late afternoon found us back at the hotel talking with Cheeks on Face Time and later, playing cards.

In more important FYI's, I FINALLY emerged from our umpteenth game of Rummy victorious. I was doing a dance of joy when I happened to think that even Helen Keller would have eventually hit the ball if she had swung enough times. It's science. Oh well, a win is a win.

My record for Rummy games this winter? Oh, it's about 1 and 50.

Time to end this and think about making that long, lonely, trek across the street to the medical center. Normally, Sargie would accompany me and hold my hand, but with the Covid protocols and all, it's a solo venture for me this morning.

I'm hoping my exam will be a one and out type of deal, but the last time I had extensive vision tests in Green Bay, it took an entire day with the recommendation I continue onto the UW School of Medicine. Well, here I am, so we'll see how this whole thing plays out.

It's times like this that I wonder WWRD?

What would Reese do?

After all, a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

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