Friday, November 27, 2020


Look who showed up at yesterday's Milligan Thanksgiving Celebration
Granddaughter, Makenna!

November 27, 2020 - Friday morning
30 degrees/calm winds/partly cloudy
Pentoga Road

Happy birthday wishes go out to my son, Luke, today. A captain with the South Portland, Maine, Fire Department, I hope he gets the day off from running his station house. 

Happy birthday, son. We love you.

Yesterday's Mighty Milligan Family Thanksgiving Celebration went off without a hitch. 

As Julius Caesar might quip if asked about yesterday's feast,  "Veni, vidi, vici." 

Hey, I took Latin in high school... give me some credit, eh?

Following strict social distancing rules, we came, we saw,  and we distanced.

Oh, we also ate. Lord how we ate... and ate... and ate some more.

The ladies took advantage of the opportunity to hold a baby shower for Nikki and Makenna. 

Sasha had baked a cake and hearing all the talking and laughter from the other side of the house, it sounded as though the shower was a great success.

You know, as usual, after these family gatherings, I'm just going to post the pictures. I don't think any words are needed.

Sargie's son, Cale

Aria kept everyone entertained, especially Grandpa, who she'd sneak up behind and scare with a loud roar.

Day turned to evening. With promises that we'd see each other on Christmas Eve, this year's gathering began to break up. All marched out the door single file and maintaining a careful six foot distance, we tossed air hugs and kisses back and forth like beach balls in a water park in accordance with our Governor's policy of knowing what's best for us. 

Today begins the Pentoga Road Death March, the one man parade that sees me making a million, billion, and thirteen, trips from the storage shed to the house with armloads of totes, all loaded with Christmas decorations. 

I'm not much of a decorator, in fact, I'm not one at all. With Christmas music blaring throughout the house, I'll carry in the full totes before returning them after being emptied. Otherwise, I'm at Sargie's mercy. She'll direct me where to place something or the other and occasionally, we'll stop our work and break out singing a Christmas carol, even a quick dance to a favorite song. 

I moan and complain, but secretly, between you and me, I enjoy watching my bride being so happy. Her eyes will sparkle and her Christmas mood will, no doubt, be infectious. Today, together, we'll embrace the first day of celebrating the most important time of the year.

Let the Christmas season begin!

After all, a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

Ross and Holly have decorated one the pyramids I made years ago. After dark, it looks exactly like a Christmas tree.

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