October 3, 2020 - Saturday evening
41 degrees/cloudy skies/calm winds
Pentoga Road
Today's been a chilly one. Going for my walk early, I enjoyed abundant sunshine for over three miles. Unfortunately, the clouds rolled in midmorning and remained for the rest of the day.
I was busy tying up a few loose ends today, none of which required any huge amount of time.
I finished hanging insulation on the ceiling and all but one wall.
Another hour should see that job finished. Next will be installing electricity, running wire and outlets throughout the garden house.

Sargie and I enjoyed a long Saturday afternoon drive. We stopped at one store and found a strange driver in the car next to ours.
Back home, a few moments were taken to sing karaoke. We laughed as we warbled, often in an animated manner. I'm glad none of our sons were around as I'm fairly certain they'd have had us committed.
Last winter's heavy snow and wind played havoc with the outside television antenna. I crawled up the ladder, then onto a step stool to be high enough that I could do what was needed.
With the antenna straightened and pointing in the right direction, I turned my attentions to installing a cap on the flue of the outdoor wood furnace. Once again, last winter's heavy snow falling off the roof of the barn destroyed the old one. The stove is ready for this coming winter.
Other than working with me outside for much of this afternoon, Sargie performed some her best kitchen magic ever by making barbecued baby back ribs. Along with a fresh fruit/cottage cheese salad and sautéed mushrooms, the ribs were absolutely perfect and the best I've ever eaten, bar none.
Other than finish insulating the garden shed, I hope to spend Sunday in the shop. Of course, all that is subject to change on a whim, but for tonight, that's the plan.
After all, a man's work is never done.
So are the tales from Pentoga Road...
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