Each slice is covered in cinnamon and sugar, causing our house to smell like one big apple pie. People pay big money for artificial scents. Ours is all natural.
It was a learning afternoon in the shop that taught me no small amount of humility. After turning a bit on the laminated bowl, it became apparent that I'd cut the rings too thin, making me gently navigate between the inside and outside walls of the vessel.
I knew it was going to be close. Just a bit more...
Yeah, a bit more was a bit too much. As I said, it was a learning day. I'll make more bowls like this one, the next one, segmented, but hopefully, the outcome will be better. At least yesterday's efforts didn't go completely to waste. At Sargie's suggestion, I turned below the tear and after some interior sanding, should finish a newly designed, more shallow, bowl later today.
It was cold and windy and nothing but the best of comfort foods would do. Sargie's bean soup, loaded with huge pieces of ham, filled the bill.
I'm fairly certain Mozart's Requiem Mass in D Minor played in our bedroom over night.
In family pictures, Shea sent the following. At four months of age, Makenna's growing like a weed and very alert.
So, a big rain is in the forecast. I'm going to zip out the door here in a few minutes and try to put a few miles under my feet before it arrives. Otherwise, there's the bowl to finish and Christmas presents on which to work. We'll go for our ride at some point today and then, there's more bean soup to enjoy.
Hmm, I'm thinking tonight's symphony might be more upbeat. How about Barnum and Bailey's Favorite, their famous circus theme song? As I remember, it's in Ab Major. Much faster and upbeat than the Requiem, I can do that, but it might require a third bowl.
After all, a man's work is never done.
So are the tales from Pentoga Road...
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