We live in the Upper Peninsula of northern Michigan near the small ghost town of Pentoga Village and the Brule River. Family, friends, hiking, wood working, gardening, fishing, photography, and of course, writing, are my passions. Join me daily as I write about our lives and this magical place we call Pentoga Road.
Saturday, October 31, 2020
Friday, October 30, 2020
Sargie's dentist's appointment went well and I'm happy to say my bride has no cavities. I asked if she got a toy, perhaps a sticker, as a reward for a perfect check up. Instead, she got to buy a new electric toothbrush, one that warns her if she's pushing against her gums too hard.
When Sargie does something, she does it 100%, including brushing her teeth.
I worked in the shop all day, mostly playing with various types of blades for the scroll and bandsaws. Reading extensively about which blades will do what, I've collected quite an array of them, some worthless, others quite useable.
My latest acquisition is one for the 9 inch bandsaw, a very thin blade with lots of small teeth. Supposedly it will allow me to make very tight cuts without making a burr along the saw lines. This would be very beneficial when making puzzles as, at best, it's tedious work with a scroll saw and the up and down action tends to rip the picture from the backing.
My new blade will be here next Wednesday. Until then, I'll prepare the pictures by gluing them onto the backing for the puzzles and prepare everything except sawing.
I worked for quite a while on a large popple bowl. I noticed sometime back that the blank from which it was turned had developed a few hairline surface cracks which thankfully, didn't penetrate the walls. After a period sitting on a shelf to "cure," the cracks traveled no further and I turned the blank into a bowl.
The problem is, though the cracks have been glued and are no longer a threat to the integrity of the bowl, they can be seen.
I have this wild idea. It's kind of out there, but I've been known to be a loose canon, at least that's what Dad used to tell me. I'm thinking of painting the bowl. First would come a neutral base before adding a fall design using acrylics. A good sealer would follow.
Though I enjoy it, I'm not much of an artist. Stay tuned on this one, it could get interesting, or be a total disaster. Either way, it's a project and as Jambo will tell you, I love a good project.
It's that time of year where the deer begin moving into the yard. I happened to glance out the window yesterday afternoon and saw this girl looking back at me.
Hey, how about this election coming up, eh? Good, bad, or ugly, let's get on with life. We'll just hope and pray the right side wins.
Both parties will tell you if their man doesn't win, we'll be in for a world of hurt. Simple deduction tells me we're going to be in for a world of hurt, regardless.
Look how the virus panic caused the shortage of toilet paper and other goods. I can only imagine what political chaos would do.
The Conservative prepper in me says to stock up. It could get ugly before it all blows over.
Today: It's to be another dreary one. I'm heading out the door at first light for my morning walk. I plan to be out in the shop working on any one of several projects and no doubt, Sargie and I will go for an afternoon ride.
After all, a man's work is never done.
So are the tales from Pentoga Road...
Thursday, October 29, 2020
So there you have it. I'm finding blade selection on the scroll saw is important to alleviate burring the sides of the pieces and a poly finish is important to protect the glued paper. Hodge Podge can be applied but will pucker the paper if used before the poly is sprayed.
I forgot about the "puckering effect" and messed up a couple of puzzles yesterday so will be redoing those in the days to come. With (around) fifteen to twenty more to make before Christmas, plus several bowls and other items, you know what my days will be like.
The last job yesterday was to clean out the trap under the bathroom sink. For anyone who's never done it, it's a thrill that words can't describe. Thankfully, that job is over for another year, give or take a month or two.
I'm going to have Sargie drop me off a few miles down the road on her way to the dentist this morning. Otherwise, it will be back to the shop, playing Santa's helper.
After all, a man's work is never done.
So are the tales from Pentoga Road...
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
October 28, 2020 - Tuesday morning
Let's see, in family pictures, I received this latest one of Makenna. She's sure a happy little girl.
Back home, there was a bit more work to do on the outside wood furnace before lighting a fire to warm the shop. I was happy when the temperature finally reached the point that the fan started, providing comfortable central heat.
Next came setting up the new 9 inch band saw. It's small and light enough that it sits perfectly on the end of the work table.
Of course, I had to test drive my newest shop acquisition and cut out a name for Makenna. I'll shape and carve it in the next few days and as with all the grandbabies, she'll have it to call her own.Much of the afternoon was spent working on the ring bowl that is a laminated combination of pine and mahogany.
After all, a man's work is never done.
So are the tales from Pentoga Road...
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
October 27, 2020 - Tuesday morning
12 degrees/clear/calm winds
Pentoga Road
Monday, October 26, 2020
There are seven old German colonies and all resemble the other. Large brick communal buildings mark each and though most are now private homes, we drove up and down several streets playing tourist, gawking, and taking pictures.
All the graves were laid out in neat rows and it appeared that even today, plots are placed by date of death, not in family units.
Still, the community was welcoming and open for business.
Our first stop was at Ronneburg Restaurant where home cooked meals are served family style with all the sides you can eat.
We enjoyed warm homemade bread, homemade cottage cheese, pickled beets, and locally brewed root beer and cream soda while waiting for our main course.
Already full from sampling the appetizers, we bellied up to a meal of frankenborgenschnitzellalablahblahblah.
In English, we'd call it a big ol', very tender, breaded pork chop with real, homemade mushroom gravy over real mashed potatoes, rather than those gobs of Elmer's Glue stuff made from flakes. There was sweet AND sour sauerkraut, steamed veggies, and other goodies too numerous to mention.
Homemade pie for dessert? Duh, what do you think? Sargie had German Chocolate pie. I took the high road and dove into a piece of five berry pie.
With the promise that we'd see our newest BFF, Annette, our server, next year, we waddled out of the restaurant and onto the street where Sargie found the Amana General Store.
Seems the general store wasn't so general after all. Inside were rooms and rooms, those that stretched for miles and miles, all filled with Christmas goodies as far as the eye could see.
Though I wasn't in the Christmas mood going in, I certainly was coming out. With soft Christmas music playing in the background by a German polka band, the rooms were magical as well as beautiful.
Stopping for gas, I had to push hard on the door as ice had encased the entire side of the car.
Still, a Yooper northen gal and a northern Alaskan boy?
Piece of cake.
Though driving wasn't pleasant, we arrived across the Mississippi River in Eau Claire without incident early last evening. A perfectly cooked Dominos pizza, delivered to our hotel room door, concluded another wonderful day.
On today's agenda, simply put, I don't know. We've talked of going north to Duluth, Minnesota, but it's cold and snowy up there. There's the option to go east across Wisconsin to shop at a mall in Steven's Point. Then we may just pack our bags and head back to Pentoga Road.
Put it this way, with all the caffeine pulsing through my veins, if Sargie doesn't awaken fairly soon, I may stick my head in the bedroom and yodel a tune or two... in falsetto, no less.
It's just the way I roll.
After all, a man's work is never done.
So are the tales from Pentoga Road...
October 27, 2021 – Wednesday afternoon Iron River Hospital So I've been lying here in bed thinking... just thinking. Other than cough a...
October 26, 2021 - Tuesday evening Iron River Hospital Life's really all about priorities, isn't it? I've been lying in bed for ...
October 11, 2021 - Monday morning 57 degrees/cloudy skies/calm winds Pentoga Road I'm sitting here this morning, basically waiting for t...
It appears last night's frost did little damage. August 25, 2017 - Friday 30 degrees/clear skies/calm winds Pentoga Road T...