September 17, 2020 - Thursday morning
37 degrees/clear skies/calm winds
Pentoga Road
I just walked in from outside and discovered the temperature dropped significantly during the nighttime hours. I also noticed that it's beginning to smell like fall, the unmistakable, wonderful, waft of rotting leaves.
I took the following picture of a large sugar maple growing by our drive Wednesday afternoon.
Here's the same angle taken two days prior.

The leaves are rapidly changing.
We had an enjoyable trip to Iron Mountain Wednesday morning and took our time coming home while snapping pictures along the way.
Wednesday afternoon was spent playing in the yard, garden, and shop. With colder temperatures forecast, I loaded the squash into the wheel barrow and brought them into the barn to keep any from freezing.
All will eventually be stored down the basement with the hope that they'll last into late winter or early spring.
I enjoyed some shop time yesterday afternoon. The third plaque of the Lord's Prayer was sawed and the surface partially sanded.
I also reassembled the pumpkin and ravin segmented work. Numbers and pattern not withstanding, it took quite a while to fit the sixty pieces back together. I felt as though I was assembling a grown-up puzzle and now that I think about it, I guess I was. The next step will be to shape and sand each piece.
With the third plaque of the Lord's Prayer sawed, it was time to mount the pattern for the fourth. I also sawed the outer shape before drilling entry holes.
I'm grateful that when questioned, Jesus taught us to pray. When sawing the letters and making a mistake, (something that happens often) I sometimes wish he might have said the same thing using less words.
On the other hand, The Lord's Prayer is perfect just as it is. It's my sawing and patience that leave something to be desired.
I enjoyed a late afternoon stroll to Pentoga Village and back. The temperature was beginning to fall and I departed wearing a flannel shirt. Sweating by the time I'd reached the top of the first big hill, I quickly shed the shirt and hung it in the woods to be collected on my way back home.
Last evening was spent in front of the television watching Dancing With the Stars. I don't like their new format, dislike Tyra Banks a great deal, and absolutely hate the fake sound tracks. If I were to venture a calculated guess, I'd say the show's future might be in serious question.
Mississippi Brother Garry sent a picture of a chain fence he made around one of their gardens. Beautiful, eh?
Problem is, Sargie will see it, then she'll want one and that will mean another project for me. Thanks a bunch, Garry. I love you too, brother.
OK, it will be an hour and a half or more before the sun comes up and I can go for my walk. I think I'll watch a hiking video or two before heading out to the shop. The walk will come later then after, who knows?
After all, a man's work is never done.
So are the tales from Pentoga Road...
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