Sunday, September 6, 2020


Congratulations to my son, Andy, for winning a photo contest sponsored by an ATV organization

September 6, 2020 - Sunday

47 degrees/overcast/calm winds

Pentoga Road

Yep, today's the big day. It's time for the Mighty Milligan Labor Day Celebration on Pentoga Road. Sargie has been working towards this moment for the past two weeks. Honestly, so has her husband. The yard is mowed, the food is prepared, and the house ready for company. All we need is the weather to cooperate.

It's not looking as though that will happen. Showers and thunderstorms are predicted to begin later this afternoon. Hopefully, they'll hold off for a few hours.

Anticipating rain, I went ahead and smoked the pork loin Saturday afternoon. First step was to get the charcoal going in the old smoker.

Next was to rub it with secret herbs and spices before injecting the loin with copious amounts of melted butter. By the way, I pronounce the "H" in herbs to make others go crazy and be tempted to correct me. (Remind me to tell you that story at another time.)

Then comes the best part, the bacon, two pounds of the fattest, cheapest, thickest, nitrate laden pork I can find.

The final step is to slather a bottle of Sweet Baby Ray's barbecue sauce over everything, making sure every nook and cranny is covered. I particularly delight proclaiming in a progressively louder voice, "Who's your daddy? WHO'S YOUR DADDY? WHO'S YOUR DADDY!!!!"

It took several hours for the loins to finish yesterday, but when the meat thermometer registered exactly 145 degrees, all were taken off the smoker and brought into the house to cool.

Oh, and yeah, don't worry, Derek, there's plenty of bacon we saved just for you as an appetizer. 

Sargie and I were busy earlier in the day as we drove to Iron Mountain for some last minute items. The big find of the morning was Weed n' Feed fertilizer on clearance for $5 a bag. I used it last year in the fall and we had tremendous results this past summer. It takes five to six bags to completely cover the lawn around the house and garden.

Needing a prescription filled, we stopped by The Drug Store in Iron Mountain. That's really the name of the pharmacy, The Drug Store. Original, eh?

While Sargie was inside, I enjoyed looking at the mural painted on the side of the building.

Cousin, Penny, sent a holiday weekend picture of her son, Brandon, and his daughter, Ally, who are visiting Penny in Arizona. Brandon and Ally live in Colorado.

Needless to say, Grandma (and Mom) Penny is on cloud nine this weekend by having her little boy and granddaughter visit for a few days.

OK, it's time to wrap this up and take a quick walk to Pentoga Village before going to town for a couple of bags of ice. The burgers are thawing as are the brats. 

Rain, shine, snow, sleet, or hail, we're going to have a good time today. One thing is certain, no one is going to starve.

After all, a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

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