Tuesday, June 2, 2020

A large bear crossed the road in front of me Monday morning
June 2, 2020 - Tuesday morning
55 degrees/clear skies/calm winds
Pentoga Road

I was driving to Crystal Falls yesterday morning to pick up a load of gravel when a large bear walked from the shoulder. Of course, my pocket camera has been sent in to be repaired so all I had was my phone.

I've gone all year and not seen a bear. This as the second sighting in the past week. 

Hmm, must have been a good hatch of bear eggs this spring. It's always good to see them as long as they stay out of the yard and garden.

Speaking of garden, I picked up another ton and a half of gravel yesterday morning and am happy to say that the gravel work around the pond/garden is now officially finished.

The first chore was to move some fairly hefty rocks and boulders. Between Sargie and me, we relocated each to different areas around the pond using the two wheeled dolly.

You'd think it would be easy to make a rubber lined pond look natural, but when it comes right down to it, it's a challenge. Sargie's got a good eye for what needs to be done, including where to put some boulders that weigh several hundred pounds.

With the boulders out of the way, I began shoveling dirt, smaller rocks, and leveling the space.

It was just a pain, just a major pain in the backside.

Finally, with landscape cloth laid, we began our routine. I'd shovel the gravel from the trailer into the wheelbarrow and dump it where Sargie  pointed. She raked while I was making a return trip.

The first drop of rain fell just as we were finishing. There's still a border to install around the garden and pond, but the gravel work is officially done, at least for this year.

Eventually, we'd like to lay pavers around the pond and in those areas where there'll be park benches and the like, but for now, crushed gravel will suffice.

With a beautiful rain pouring down, we made a quick trip to town and home again, I made a bee line for the shop. Thinking we might go to Iron Mountain to get our house paint, we never got the call that it had come in, so a rainy day made for the perfect excuse to play... I mean work, inside.

First order of business was to clean. Lord Almighty, I swear Mississippi Brother Garry must be sneaking in and messing it up during the nighttime hours. There was sawdust and shavings all over the place.

Next came fixing an old floor reading light that had been designated for the dump. I've used it the past several years in conjunction with the lathe. The flexible neck is perfect for throwing light into those hard to see dark areas while hollowing out a bowl.

Next came painting the small box that will house our pond/garden electronics. I'll be cutting a circular hole in one side later today in which to mount a water proof speaker. 

Oh, yeah, baby. When it comes to the pond and garden, get out of the way. Sargie and I plan to live life in the fast lane. 

Sanding on the popple bowl was finished and I'm now in the process of making multiple applications of food safe finish. It should be done by the end of today.

We enjoyed Yooper steak last night for supper, two different kinds of brats from the grill. Mmm.

Jambo and I are going for a walk to Pentoga Village in a few minutes. After, I want to pick up another load of top soil and fill two empty raised beds on the orchard side of the garden. Initially, I wasn't going to use them, but I have the room and the frames. I may as well plant something.

Sanding bowls makes for pretty hands
I'm hoping a Hollywood agent might see this and offer me a job as a hand model. You can say you "knew me when..."
We need to get to Iron Mountain at some point. If the hardware store calls and says the house paint is in, we'll be making a trip in that direction.

Time to strap on the hikers and catch up on the news in Jambo's world.

Another flock of geese heading north for the summer
After all, a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

Today's random Alaska picture: Matt and I were fishing when we saw the first of two killer whales heading directly for the boat. Now THAT will get your attention. Neither altered course, but rather, submerged just feet from the bow, swam directly under, and surfaced just past the stern.

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