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Snow drifts across the road are evidence of the cold wind from the past two days. |
9 degrees/clear skies/calm winds
Pentoga Road
I'm uncertain why, but my feet hit the floor this morning shortly after 4 AM and I felt great. I wish I had this much energy all the time.
I don't realize how much I've slowed down over the years until I experience a rare, youthful, morning like today's. I have nary an ache or pain and I feel like I could conquer the world. I even bent over and put on my shoes this morning without grunting or groaning.
Strange how this aging process sneaks up on all of us. It was but a mere ten years ago that I made myself quit working toward day's end lest I labor up to bedtime or past. I remember being so involved in a project that I'd forget to eat lunch or supper.
It's seldom that way any longer. If there's a big project on my agenda, it's best to start bright and early in the morning, otherwise, it might be the next day before being finished. I seldom make it past mid afternoon before reclining for a short grandpa nap and even after, I may or may not be productive.
Rapidly changing body parts are becoming painfully obvious.
My feet have spread out like the Mississippi Delta from years and years of constant hiking. As a young adult, my shoe size was nine and a half to ten, depending on the brand. Today, I sport a healthy size eleven and growing.
My feet aren't the only thing that's grown. So has my belly.
I don't weigh that much more than in my younger years, but someone should inform my body of that. I'm living proof there's a reason why grandpas usually have a belly. I'm convinced it's where we store our years and years of knowledge and wisdom.
Other areas are showing evidence that my body is morphing into that of a more mature male. I'm thinking of posting the daily paper at eye level on the wall in back of the bathroom stool so I can read while standing and waiting for something to happen.
Just when the miracle of sight returns, I find I have a cataract on my right eye. Geesh, it's two steps forward and one backwards.
Oh, and I've got something called essential tremors that has invaded my hands. They tell me I used to have beautiful handwriting. Today, merely signing my name has become a challenge. Delicate painting or even printing requires two hands and working a keyboard mouse is nearly impossible. I have a prescription to ease the symptoms, but so far, I've not taken it. Some of the side effects seem worse than the ailment. When the shaking gets bad enough, I'll swallow my pride (and a pill) and see if it helps.
I'm not complaining. In fact, I write the above with pride. I've earned the right to enjoy a short afternoon nap. It's something I used to occasionally fantasize about during my youthful adult years when it seems all I did was work.
The shoes? How's the saying go? "It takes a big man to fill those shoes."
Well, I'm certainly no shrinking violet.
The belly? I'm way past the six pack stage of life and the only person I want to impress is Sargie and she says she loves me just the way I am.
I don't really need to post the paper on the bathroom wall in back of the stool. Though it would be handy, if I really want to read, I'll just sit down and be more comfortable.
After being declared legally blind, a cataract on one eye is mere child's play.
The tremors? Help is only a pill away.
The long and short of it is that none of the above really makes any difference. What's important is that I got up this morning feeling like a million dollars. Tomorrow may be different, but today's a winner.
I've learned to live in the present and for right now, right in this very moment, it doesn't get any better than this.
I wonder what the poor people are doing?
I enjoyed a wonderful seven mile stroll early Wednesday morning. The thermometer was registering a big fat zero when I left the house, but the early morning lack of wind and bright sunshine made the hike extremely enjoyable.
Sargie began spring cleaning, working on one drawer, then another. One of our future major projects is cleaning out the basement. Years and years of stuff is stored down there, good old fashioned stuff that needs to go away. I don't think my sons will be interested in any of my high school music theory compositions or a walking stick that I found while in the Rocky Mountains sixty years ago. It's time to bid those and other priceless goodies goodbye.
I planted a few Siberian tomato seeds yesterday. A short season tomato, they grow quite well in our climate and usually produce a bumper crop, even in less than perfect years.
Just because it's going on three decades since I've touched a drop of beer (my former drink of choice) doesn't mean I've become a prude. I love the story of the 93 year old grandma who obviously loves her Coors beer. Sequestered in her home, she made a public request.
I read that the Coors people sent her ten cases with the post script that if she needed more, they'd be happy to oblige.
Though Mom wasn't a drinker, that sounds like something she would have done. One thing about Mama, she never shied away from publicity.
Mississippi Brother Garry sent a picture of the colored pencil vase he's been working on since we left. Isn't it beautiful?
We used the vase on the left (a gift to Garry from a friend) as a pattern for the one on the right.
I'm going for my walk this morning then retire to the shop and begin building the two front windows for the garden house. Round on top, they promise to be somewhat challenging.
It's time to hoist this less than perfect body off the couch and walk to Pentoga Village and back, see if I can work off some of this energy.
After all, a man's work is never done.
So are the tales from Pentoga Road...
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