Monday, October 21, 2019

Sunday morning was spent cleaning the garden
October 20, 2019 - Sunday evening
47 degrees/clear skies/calm winds
Pentoga Road

I'm writing tonight as I'll be out the door early Monday morning on my way to Bobkittyland. 

I was in the garden early this morning raking, throwing rotten vegetables away, and getting everything ready for the upcoming winter months.

I'm sad that so much went to waste. Usually, I get everything picked and either preserved, stored, or given away. This year, little of that happened. I invited people to come pick, but none did. Because of my last minute job at school, I didn't have time to harvest everything myself.

Consequently, way too much went to waste. 

Many of the squash and pumpkins rotted from the inside out this past summer due to our excess rainfall.

With Sargie's help, we loaded the vegetables, vines, and leaves, into the trailer and took it all up to Jambo's field. The deer are in for a big treat.

While at Jambo's, I hopped on the tractor and moved a bit of firewood he'd cut earlier closer to his wood shed. Some of the wild cherry pieces were HUGE.

Sargie spent all Sunday afternoon outside while I parked in front of the television coaching the Packers to victory over Oakland.

She was either blowing/vacuuming leaves or pulling the lawn sweeper.

I managed to get a bit of work done after the ballgame was over. I gathered several wheelbarrow loads of leaves and covered the thornless blackberries for the upcoming winter months.

They are a southern variety that were inadvertently sent two years ago. Not expecting them to make it through last year's harsh winter, the plants thrived after mulching each with a thick layer of leaves last fall. Hopefully, the same will happen this year.

Aluminum oxide was spread around the blueberries to lower the Ph of the soil. I also fertilize them each fall for the following year. 

The last chore of the day was to mow and clean the asparagus bed. The fronds have been removed and the patch is ready for winter.

Showers taken, we've settled in for a quiet evening. I'll be returning to Florence Elementary in the morning for a day of being the librarian. It's my last scheduled sub job until Thursday.

Be sure to read Tuesday's blog for more sauerkraut adventures. It seems I've opened a whole trunk of cabbages.

Until then, remember that a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

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