Friday, May 24, 2019

The first harvest of this year's garden, fresh asparagus!
May 24, 2019 - Friday morning
49 degrees/cloudy/calm winds
Pentoga Road

While we are enjoying the first cutting of asparagus of the year, poor Yooper Brother Mark and Sheri are having to relive winter all over again in the form of ice and snow.

Visiting Sarah and family in Wyoming, Mark said they received between four and six inches of the white stuff on Thursday. Meanwhile, our forecast calls for rain today, but sunny and warm temperatures this weekend with highs near 80.

I went for my early morning walk on Thursday and continue to enjoy the wildflowers. The trilliums are just beginning to bloom and are beautiful.

Back from my stroll, it was my turn to perform kitchen magic. Famished, I decided to make a brunch of eggs and apple/walnut pancakes, all smothered in fresh maple syrup.

It must have been more than just a brunch as Sargie or I were still full at suppertime.

The UPS lady, Jay, (yep, that's her name) delivered a couple of backpacking goodies yesterday as well as the bushings for the backhoe. Of course, I had to try on the sleeping bag.

It's an ultra lightweight bag, tested to +35 and should be perfect for Macrea's and my upcoming 42 mile hike on the Pictured Rocks Trail the second week of June.

Jerad came out after work and dropped one maple tree that's been dying in the back yard. I've been fearful that it would topple onto the storage shed with the first strong wind. Jerad worked lumberjack magic with skillful cutting and a long length of rope.

It wasn't long before the tree was lying on it's side leaving the storage shed and barn intact.

I thought Sargie didn't have to work for several more days, but I had a rude awakening last night when she told me she had to open the Vision Center today and tomorrow. I guess the honeymoon from work is over, darn it.

Assuming today's rain holds off, I'm going for my walk first thing. I'd like to get the tree cut up and wood hauled this morning and the bushings on the backhoe installed.

Speaking of things to do, it's time to pack Sargie's lunch and get breakfast ready.

After all, a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

Today's wildlife quiz question. What kind of animal should one expect to enter this trap. Hint, it's not meant for skunks or rabbits. Answer (if I remember) will be coming tomorrow.

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