Saturday, March 30, 2019

For cryin' out loud, it's almost April!
March 30, 2019 - Saturday morning
27 degrees/snow showers/howling wind
Pentoga Road

Mother Nature sure decided to play a lousy trick on us today. The wind is howling, the snow falling sideways, and the temperature has dropped three degrees in the past hour. March came in like a lion and it appears it's going to depart in much the same manner. Thankfully, no accumulation is forecast and temperatures for this coming week are to be in the 40's. 

Typical Upper Peninsula springtime weather.

After a beautiful walk on Saturday, I returned and began sorting through the old living room windows, noting what might be salvaged and which will end up in the dump at some point.

Sargie wanted to go to town and find stain for the new interior trim to match the old. I cut a piece to use for comparisons and off we went.

Our friend, Peggy, is the head of the paint department at our local hardware store. I snagged her upon walking in and asked if she had any stain that might match the original. Peggy immediately set to work.

We counted fourteen cans that Peggy tested for the closest match. In the end, we chose Early American.

Back home, Sargie began staining the trim. I stripped the plastic covering that had been hurriedly stapled to the front of the solar heater last fall and began ripping two by fours to make new trim.

It took some (as Sargie says) ciphering and a bit of assistance from my bride, but slowly, the windows began fitting into place.

If it wasn't so muddy, I'd have used the pneumatic nail gun to fasten the panes. Since dragging the air hose through the muck wasn't an option, I decided screws would work just as well. 

Besides, I'm still a bit gun shy and like all my fingers just the way they are.

The windows required only a minimum amount of caulking.

In the end, the panes were installed and sealed. All that needs to be done is to paint the trim.

Sargie and I enjoyed a quiet Friday evening. In keeping with our complete opposite personalities, I went to bed fairly early while she opted to stay up awhile longer. 

It's the tortoise and the hare syndrome. I hop out of bed early in the mornings and am quick off the starting line, but tend to burn out fairly early in the evening. Sargie's a bit slower to rise, but can keep a steady pace going throughout the day and well into the night.    

She's the night owl, I'm the early bird. It all works and neither of us are complaining.

I'm not at all sure what's on the agenda for today. I really wanted to begin building the front wall panel of the garden house, but even working in the barn sounds cold and miserable. 

I could go for my walk, but again, I'm feeling delicate.

The shop?

I guess I could wake Sargie and ask her to go out ahead and turn on the heat so when I eventually make my way out there, it will be nice and cozy warm.

On the other hand, since I value my life, maybe I'll just throw another log on the fire, pour myself a third cup of coffee, and read the weekend paper online. 

That seems like the more sensible and safer thing to do.

After all, a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

Today's physic's quiz
Which side of the snowmobile faces south?

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