Thursday, August 9, 2018

August 9, 2018 - Thursday morning
60 degrees/clear skies/calm winds
Pentoga Road

These are the days that all northerners, regardless where they live, dream of. After enduring six months (or more) of dark, cold, wintry days, we fantasize of weather like we are currently experiencing.  

The days are warm, generally in the low 80's, the humidity low with little wind and plenty of sunshine. Our nights dip into the fifties, just right for a perfect sleep.

The garden continues to do well. It's impossible to walk through the furthest areas as the pumpkins and squash have commandeered everything. Taking a stroll down the nearest rows means having to navigate a forest of giant sunflowers.

The cantaloupe are growing and maturing. We need another month of summer-type temperatures with an occasional shower or two. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

It seems awfully quiet around here this morning now that Hambone has gone home. Yesterday at this time, he and Grandma Sargie were laying in bed together talking a mile a minute. It's something special the two enjoy every morning when Grady is with us.

We had a good time Wednesday while visiting Neighbor Mike. Mike is one of Grady's best friends in the whole, wide, world, and I dare say Mike has a pretty good affection for Grady. 

Together, they form a pretty special team. 

Mike was working up wood for the winter and of course, Hambone had to inspect (and try on) all his equipment.
Sargie had a doctor's appointment in Iron Mountain Wednesday afternoon so we bade Jambo, aka Neighbor Mike, farewell.

I was really impressed with Grady while we waited for Sargie at the doctor's office. Sitting in the waiting room, Grady greeted every patient as with an enthusiastic, "Hi! I'm Grady. What's your name?"

In the same vein, he told all goodbye as they left. I was proud of my shadow and even happier as the other waiting patients surrounding us smiled and nodded and told me what a pleasant, polite, and happy, grandson I had. 

Good deeds don't go unnoticed, at least not in Grandma Sargie's life and mine. As a reward, we drove to "Burgun King," as Grady calls it, to enjoy a quick snack, but most importantly, the opportunity to play in the indoor jungle gym.

Hambone made a new best friend, a little girl who was five years old, and together, they climbed, slid, and laughed their way through the next half an hour.

All good things come to an end. It was time to pry Grady out of the maze of tubes and bubbles and meet Mama for the exchange. We hugged, kissed, and told Grady we'd see him soon.

What do these grandparents do on a beautiful summer evening while all alone? They go fishing of course!

Ever feel as though you're being watched? This majestic bald eagle followed us around the lake hoping he might snatch an unwanted fish before it hit the water.
 We did okay last night. The Crappie Queen didn't score on any crappies, but caught several nice bluegills. It appears it was my turn as I caught a couple of nice bass.

Darkness ran us off the lake. I began cleaning our catch while Sargie watered her flowers and the strawberry bed.

She noticed a dying monarch butterfly in one of her flower beds. We were saddened that its days were about finished, but were happy that we could enjoy its beauty right up to the end.

I'm going to head to the garden pretty quickly. There are blueberries to pick and some goldfish to feed. I also need to water the cantaloupe. 

Later today? Don't you remember what two grandparents do on a beautiful summer evening while all alone?

They go fishing of course!

After all, a man's (and the Crappie Queen's) work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

One of the nicer smallmouth bass I've caught in many years

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