Monday, January 29, 2018

Look who's going to real school one day a week!
January 29, 2018 - Monday evening
9 degrees/clear skies/calm winds
Pentoga Road

Sporting a new book bag and more importantly, a packed lunch, Hambone dutifully climbed into his car seat last week for his first day of school. I was told they were barely out of the drive when Grady asked his mommy if he could eat his lunch. 

Ah, the first day of preschool. Doesn't get any better than that.

I worked most of Monday morning in the shop. It took almost two hours to finish the scroll saw work. 

Within each outline, a hole is drilled and the blade threaded through. After, it must be disconnected, removed, threaded through, the tension adjusted, and the cut begins again. The process is repeated over and over. 

For this, I'm using a very thin round blade.
I finished sawing and moved inside the house where I began painting one of the flowers that were made Sunday. Just as the flower making process was an experiment, so was today's painting.

I used two colors of blue, then outlined the petals in black. 

Speaking of painting, my granddaughter Ellie, who is in the fifth grade, painted this beautiful mountain scene. She also plays the flute. I told her daddy that I hope a few of her grandpa's artsy/craftsy genes were passed along. 

Sargie and I took an extended Monday afternoon drive to Rhinelander, Wisconsin, sixty miles away. Our main stop was at Menards Lumber. 

We didn't really need anything, but still managed to walk out seventy dollars poorer. Sargie did find a great clearance on hobby paint. It was such a good deal that I purchased three. 

The last stop of the day was at Walmart where Sargie got a flu shot and a shingles vaccination. 

Seems there's always paperwork, even for simple vaccinations.
 Sargie's off Tuesday. I think I'll go for an early morning walk then spend some time in the shop. No doubt, we'll take an afternoon drive and enjoy life.

After all, a man's work is done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

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