Thursday, October 19, 2017

October 19, 2017 - Thursday
45 degrees/cloudy/breezy
Pentoga Road

As usual, after Hambone's been with us overnight, the pictures speak louder than anything I can write. Most are self explanatory.

I'll be heading over to Yooper Brother Mark's in a little while to help him install a double overhead garage door and Sargie is opening extra early, so time this morning is limited.

Meanwhile, here we go:

Raisin Bran, peanut butter and jelly, and The Lion King. How can life get any better? Well, it does. 
Later, when I fired up the vacuum, Hambone was right there asking if he could help. Who am I to deny a little guy his life's dreams?

Of course, there's nothing quite as much fun as helping Grandma Sargie hang clothes on the line.

After a long time of playing in the leaves, we drove to town and following a Happy Meal, stopped at the local playground to wear off some excess energy.

I purchased an inexpensive leaf blower on sale while in town. Naturally, my shadow had to try it out. Spewing a stream of up to 250 mph, he had to brace himself to keep from being blown backwards. Actually, it was fun to watch.

While Grady lay down for a "highly suggested"  rest period, I made my way up to Neighbor Mike's for a short visit. As always, it was good to see our friends. I carried my computer so we could look at pictures from his trail cam.

Rest time was over. Grady and I moved to the kitchen where we made a super duper batch of oatmeal/raisin cookies from scratch.

A spoon presented too much of a challenge when working with the sticky dough, so we just dove in with both hands and squeezed it.

Grady has a difficult time pronouncing the letter C, so C words begin with the letter T. Cookies sound like tookies. Needless to say, he has his Grandma Sargie and me calling them tookies. 

Whatever they are called, Hambone did a great job. Warm, right out of the oven, they were to die for good.

We were having milk and tookies when the phone rang. It was time to go meet Mommy and Daddy for the Hambone exchange. We hadn't backed out of the drive before he was sound asleep.

Sargie opens this morning and I'll soon be on my way to Yooper Brother Mark's for a day of garage door installation. The weather is supposed to be beautiful and no doubt, we'll solve most the world's problems by the time we're finished.

After all, a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

Sometimes a boy gets so tired at the end of a long day that all he can do is cry.

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