Wednesday, July 26, 2017

When Joanne told Schamz the Dog that it was time to leave, she ran to the front porch and refused to move.
July 26, 2017 - Wednesday
67 degrees/cloudy skies/breezy
Pentoga Road

It's dark and breezy this morning and I'm keeping an ear out for the sound of rain hitting the metal roof overhead. Believe it or not, we could use a nice, easy, shower, NOT a deluge. I noticed yesterday that the raised beds in the garden are a bit dry. If precipitation doesn't come in the form of rain in the next few days, it'll have to flow from the garden hose. At least the lawn has quit growing at break neck speed.

Joanne and Schamz the Dog left around 9 AM yesterday morning. It was tough to see them drive down the road, but after a hug and kiss and a promise they'd be back next year, the car disappeared from sight.

Joanne called late yesterday afternoon saying they'd made it to Bloomington, Illinois, in good shape. She plans to drive on to the Atlanta area today.

Time was spent in the garden where I used garden twine to attach a few sprawling cucumber vines to the trellis.

Some have fruits that are two inches long and it appears I'll be making pickles in the near future.

Neighbor Mike and Germaine are staying at their camp. Mike was excited that he'd found a couple of bats under the siding that he was ripping off an outbuilding.

The bats in the UP have suffered from the fungal White Nose Syndrome that has all but wiped out the population, but at least on Pentoga Road, a few are surviving.

It was late morning before I hooked the trailer onto the Blazer and made my way to Yooper Brother Mark's plant for a load of firewood. I was only half through before someone needed to back a semi trailer where I was parked, but I was happy to quit. As it turned out, half a load enabled me to come back home, work up the wood, and empty the trailer before day's end. 

All that's needed are another three or four loads

There was still enough time left before Sargie arrived home to make a block name in the shop. 

It took exactly an hour from start to finish. We've been keeping track so we can figure out how much to charge once we begin trying to market the custom names. Right now, it appears $15 per name is about right.

Sargie was home early and we spent the evening watching America's Got Talent. She closes tonight, but thankfully, is off Thursday.

I need to drive to Crystal Falls today for a meeting. Otherwise, it appears it will be a day of being creative in the shop. I'm caught up in the garden and the grass doesn't need mowing. Yep, it'll be a shop day spent in my favorite place.

After all, a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

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