Thursday, September 1, 2016

Is this a squash or a pumpkin? This hybrid is growing on a plant that is supposed to be producing a bush buttercup squash, a smaller, dark green fruit rather than this one that resembles a pumpkin, a giant one at that. I think the birds and the bees got a little mixed up on cross pollination.
September 1, 2016 - Thursday
50 degrees/clear/calm winds
Pentoga Road

It figures. August is gone, September is here and poof, just like that, the National Weather Service just issued a frost advisory for tonight. 
I am hoping that we get another three weeks of growing season, but hey, it's been that kind of year. If it all ends, so be it.

I about overdid it Wednesday. After seeing Grandma Sargie and Grady off, I swept and vacuumed all the floors in the house, including the steps going to the second floor. I'll go back over everything on Saturday, including steam cleaning the laminate floors, but at least yesterday was a start.

The rest of the day was spent finishing the barn and garage. 

We now have gathering places should it rain, a Plan B, for Sunday. They are calling for nice weather, so it's probably a moot point, but I feel better being somewhat prepared.

There was one small happening in the garage. Just as I was finishing, I gave the hose a yank and knocked over this past year's garbage can full of returnable cans and bottles.

I was tired and dirty and won't repeat the mutterings that may have spewed forth from my mouth.

A break was taken in the middle of the day to change the oil on the high pressure washer and the two-wheeled weed trimmer. I wanted to do something completely different than clean and spray and it was time for some basic maintenance.

Goofy Honda four-cycle engines... most have to be turned over on their sides to let the oil drain from the filler hole so I have developed the fifty-pound block method over the years. It seems to be the least messy.

I was exhausted by day's end and plopped in the recliner where I promptly fell sound asleep. Sargie woke me when she called, saying she was on her way home. The mind is willing, but the body seems to object to this nonstop, marathon, of fixing, painting, and cleaning. Next week? I'm going fishing and taking naps, well, unless there's something else that draws my attention and needs to be done.

Time was taken to walk around the perimeter of the garden. Strolling through is no longer an option. Vines are growing up sunflowers. Stalks are bent over in the aisles, and the Cosmos, flowers that sprouted from volunteer seeds left from last year, are everywhere. 

I was looking at that strange squash pictured above and began thinking about this seasons's progression in carving out a new addition to the garden.

First came removing two tree stumps.
Then digging out the roots and rocks before tilling
Black mulch was placed over the ground with wood chips on top of that
The hard work, time, and effort paid off.
We had a quiet evening last night, sans munchkin, and Sargie and I both admitted we already missed the little guy. Not to worry, Hambone Anderson, aka Grady, will be back, with parents in tow, on Sunday to attend the Mighty Milligan Labor Day Gathering.

Sargie opens the Vision Center today. I have a bunch of odds and ends to do, much too much to mention. Believe me, there'll be no grass grow under my feet today, but are we surprised?

After all, a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

As mentioned, it's a bit thick in the garden these days

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