Monday, June 13, 2016

Hey, look who's in town!
It's Isabella who flew all the way from Wyoming just to see Uncle Tom and Auntie Sargie! (and Grandma and Grandpa.)
June 13, 2016 - Monday
49 degrees/drizzle/breezy
Pentoga Road

Another half an inch of moisture fell here in the rain forest overnight with more showers predicted for this morning. I've said it before, I'll say it again, this is the coldest and wettest drought and heat wave I've ever experienced. 

Early Sunday morning found me on the lake in search of monster bluegills and crappies. I foolishly wore shorts, but had the sense to throw in a flannel shirt. Once on the lake, I about froze. A glance at the small thermometer I keep in my tackle box showed it was only 42 degrees. You'd think I'd learn, eh?

I arrived at the lake early, shortly past 5 AM. You can tell I was the first. The Blazer is the closest to the boat ramp.
I did catch a few fish, nothing to write home to Mama about (although I did earlier this morning) but they all add up and we'll have a big ol' fish fry while Mom is here. 

Once home, I hopped in the shower and let the steaming, hot, water pour over my head in an effort to rid myself of the chills. It worked. Within minutes, I was good to go although I wore a flannel shirt most of the morning.

Sargie had to work from noon until 5. Since my jalapeno pepper plants are suffering from fungus caused by cold temperatures and too much rain, I drove to town in search of more. Neither greenhouse had any. 

Neighbor Mike came to my rescue. He'd called earlier saying he was driving down to his camp from Marquette and asked if I needed anything from the big city. I asked if he might find me a dozen jalapeno pepper plants. He later called saying he did! Mike's earned his pickles and maple syrup for this coming year! 

Most of the afternoon was spent working on the fountain. I removed Grady's swimming pool, made a large indentation in the dirt, and lined it with a tarp.

Once filled with water, it was surrounded with rocks and a few flowers. I think with a few alterations, this is what the fountain will look like for the summer months. One thing has become apparent. I'm fountain challenged and have no imagination for any design. Sargie said she likes the current one, my third attempt this year, so it will stay like this, at least for now. Next year, hopefully, brings a pond and waterfalls, a REAL garden pond complete with a bridge, rushing water, and goldfish, but those are major plans to be discussed at a later time.

Sargie arrived home early. I spent the evening fertilizing and weeding in the garden. Sargie finished putting the house back together after earlier scrubbing the upstairs carpet.

Neither of us had any difficulty falling asleep.

Sargie's back to work today. I doubt Mike and I will go fishing. The weather's just not very nice. I hope to work on the inside trim of the kitchen window, then on the side lattice of the arbor. Since neither are my favorite tasks, it seems I subconsciously move those activities to the bottom of my things-to-do list.

One thing is for certain. If I don't get busy, nothing will get done.

After all, a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

Grandma and Isabella playing on the floor.
Looks as though Jerad and Jenna wish they could play too!!

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