Monday, July 27, 2015

July 27, 2015 - Monday
60 degrees/clear/calm winds
Pentoga Road

It's most enjoyable sitting here, enjoying this predawn morning. The temperatures are comfortably cool, deer are grazing in the front meadow, a slight haze is hovering a few feet off the ground, and there's a heavenly fragrance of freshly cut hay in the air. Add a cup of freshly brewed coffee to the mix and it makes for a perfect start to a new week.

I found some multi-layered Black Eyed Susans yesterday at the edge of our woods. They look similar to chrysanthemums. I'll mark them and after they are finished blooming, transplant a few into our perennial flower bed in front of the house. 
Sunday was hot. There's no other way to describe it... it was hot... and muggy.... and steamy. 

I started the day by spraying two tanks of herbicide around the perimeter of the garden and house. That should be the last of the spraying for the year.

It was midmorning and the air was quickly growing warmer. I came inside where Sargie and I agreed to close the windows and start the air conditioning in an attempt to gain a head start on the heat.

I sat in my recliner and mourned the fact that my outside day was finished. Once I escape the heat by being inside, my want to return out of doors is slim to nil.

I peeked out the window. The trailer, filled with wood, was sitting in the shade. Maybe I'd go throw a few pieces onto the wood pile. Two hours later and completely drenched in sweat, the trailer was empty and swept, ready to be filled again. I guess I got carried away.

Sargie and I did a bit of shopping after leaving the trailer in town, but didn't tarry long. It was simply too hot and the Blazer doesn't have air conditioning. 

The rest of the afternoon was spent indoors, grading assignments while eating fried chicken along with Sargie's homemade macaroni/chicken salad, and watching older episodes MASH and Blue Bloods on Netflix. 

I ventured out during the late afternoon hours and started the irrigation in the garden. I'll continue to water a section every day until rain finally falls.

It was almost evening when I attached the boat trailer to the Blazer and we left for the lake. Once again, Sargie gave a clinic on how fish are caught. 

Fighting a big one
She landed another nice northern and a decent bass. 

We won't talk about what I caught... or in my case, didn't catch.

I figured if I couldn't catch any fish, I might as well swim with them
Sargie's back to work today. I'm going to resume my walking regimen this morning. I've gotten away from it this summer and it's showing, mostly around my waist. I don't weigh much more than I have in the past, but my body is quickly migrating south, growing soft and flabby. The arthritis in my back can sometimes be quite painful and there are times I feel... well, I feel my age. I don't mind the chronological years, but I'll be darned if I'm going to morph into some little old man before I turn ninety or a hundred, at least if I can help it.

I think I'll pick another large zucchini today and make pickles. Depending on how much energy is left, I might can pickled beets. So much to do/so little of me. But then, are we surprised?

After all, a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

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