Baby Grady doing his thing!
November 14, 2014 - Friday
17 degrees/cloudy/snow flurries
Pentoga Road
The beginning of today's writing features two of our grand babies. I couldn't figure out how to make Baby Grady's movie (above) right-side-up, so rather than me spend hours fussing and fuming in multiple attempts, just pretend your computer is an iPhone, turn it on it's side, and enjoy!
And here's Grand baby Emmie. I gave her a little stuffed dog for her birthday that I'm told she's fond of. What a sweetie. We're so appreciative that the kids send us pictures and movies of the babies. Modern technology is a great thing when it comes to staying in touch with friends and family.

I started Thursday morning by blowing a big, wide, path to the back of the barn and freeing the fish shack.

Since I didn't have Sargie around, I threw a couple of fifty pound cement blocks on the back of the four-wheeler for weight and towed it to the barn.

Since I already had a path blown through the snow, I figured I might as well start and move the old snowmobile. No doubt, it will see action when Andy is here over Thanksgiving. Otherwise, I use it to make paths through the maple woods in the spring just prior to taping trees.

I think the carburetor is dirty as it runs well, idles, but when I give it the throttle, it slows way down and eventually dies. I'll take it off today, bring it inside, clean it good, blow air through the thing, and try it again. It could also be the fuel diaphragm. That'll be step #2 if cleaning the carburetor doesn't work.
I filled the bird feeders and hung them in the back yard. I've been feeding Jimmy and his friends from my pocket for a couple of weeks now and figured with the cold weather, they could use some extra energy to help them get through these long, cold, nights.
I helped Neighbor Mike get ready for the hunting crew that arrives today and the sun was getting long in the sky by the time we were finished. I returned home, threw a load of laundry in the washer, and swept and vacuumed the floors. By the time I got the firewood carried in, I was happy to take a shower, put on my sweat clothes, and call it a day.
Sargie was home early and made Secret Sauce for supper. The recipe is a secret closely guarded by her and her sons. I'm privy to the ingredients, but I'm under oath. If I told you, I'd have to kill you.

Sargie closes tonight, but is off this weekend. I hear rumors we might begin our Christmas shopping tomorrow in Green Bay, but that hasn't been confirmed. I'm ready to go if she is.
I'm going to tear into the fish shack today and begin the extensive remodeling job. It's got to be shorter, longer, and lighter. Stay tuned, this ought to be interesting!
But first, it's time for a cup of coffee and listen to the news. After all, a man's work is never done.
So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

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