Saturday, July 20, 2013

The cold front finally arrives!

Mom and Brutus playing fetch
July 20, 2013 – Saturday
60 degrees/sunny/calm
Pentoga Road

Now this is the way the north woods are supposed to be. Low humidity and cool temperatures seem to mark this coming week. I don’t see the number 80 (or above) anywhere in the upcoming forecast. I do see the number 30 however. The forecasted low for tonight is 39 degrees. I told Mom that maybe it will go ahead and frost and end this year’s gardening agony. It’s not pretty.

Friday started with thunder and intermittent periods of heavy rain. Unfortunately, it didn’t amount to much, but we knew the arrival of the much anticipated cold front was at hand.

 At 9:45 AM, we were sitting on the front porch, still commenting on how warm it was, but that the humidity seemed to be lessening. The wind was blowing and for the first time in days, it felt good to be outside and breathing some fresh air.

 We soon migrated to the barn. Commanding a lawn chair, Mom helped to point out objects that could be moved and made suggestions where/ways/methods of storing various items. Honestly, there’s more room in the barn now with more things put away, than ever before. She needs to visit several times a year just to keep the shop and barn straightened up!

All the big equipment was removed from the barn so I could start putting things away right.

... and then the cold front marched through and it poured for several minutes.
Mom and Brutus are having a love fest. Unless Brutus is behind the barn chasing a squirrel, he’s generally in the vicinity of Mom. They have talks, and I noticed yesterday, Mom wasn’t slow in picking up the launcher and ball, and playing fetch with her newest bestest friend in the world.

Mom retired to the house Friday afternoon where she read and relaxed. I hopped aboard the mower and sheared the trails and back meadows.

We enjoyed brat patties, turnips, and chips, for supper last night. Poor Sargie had to close the Vision Center and it was almost 9:30 before she got home. It was a short evening for her.

Brat Patties. Mmmm.
Naturally, the internet company called saying it would be Monday before they’d be out to work on the antenna. I expected nothing less. Some things never change.

Today. I hope to work in the barn and continue putting things away. Between the cool weather, my knee feeling 100% better, and Mom’s company and suggestions, maybe I’ll finally get that beast finished in the next few days.

There’s university work I really need to complete. I’ve been putting it off the past several days. With the heat and humidity, I simply wasn’t interested in academics.

Sargie works early this morning, but should be home shortly after lunchtime. The three of us will go over to Iron Mountain this afternoon to enjoy supper with Mr. Milligan. We want Mom to meet him.

Mom just commented how time is flying. Ain’t that the truth. I was so busy yesterday that I didn’t have a chance to enjoy the new four-wheeler. As you well know, a man’s work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road…

The giant pumpkin I hand pollinated last week. Only 199.9 lbs to go before it becomes a "giant."

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