Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Ready to kick off the trapping season for 2012. The traps, lure, stake driver, hammer, sifter, and magnifiers, all sitting on a bed of spruce bows to cover any human scent. Time to go!
October 16, 2012
37 degrees/dark/rainy
Pentoga Road

I don’t know how it could be so clear, cold, and crisp, last night and so rainy and warm this morning… just hours later. After a weekend of drizzle and four-tenths of an inch of rain, I’m ready for some good old-fashioned sun. But, we do need the rain.

I left Pentoga Road in my mental rearview mirror yesterday morning and hiked five miles. After a weekend of relative laziness and gluttony, it felt good to kick start the blood that courses through my body, although yesterday, it felt more like gurgling gel.

Like most everyone else, I battle weight gain every fall. The days get shorter, the temperatures drop, and my body wants to turn every calorie that enters my mouth into ugly, dimply, saggy, fat and store it around my waist. I managed to accumulate just five extra pounds a year ago during the holiday season and have the same goal for this year. The scales on Monday afternoon told me I’m already there. It’s diet time!

I'd weigh twenty pounds less if I could simply make it from 7 to 10 PM without having a "sweet attack." 

The local grocery had a sale on ice cream this past week and we had company who enjoys ice cream as much as we do. I'm on a diet. I'm on a diet. I'm on a diet. I won't eat the ice cream... or will I?
Actually, it’s more like get-more-active time. I enjoy eating too much to starve myself. After all, isn’t ice cream a food group?

The rest of Monday was dedicated to trapping. Once again, it turned into a lesson in humility. Seems as though I have a lot of those anymore.

Making the set and bedding the trap
I used to be able to make ten or fifteen coyote and fox trapping sets in a few hours time. Yesterday, it took me all afternoon to make three and I’m not sure they were very good. The raccoon sets, the three I made, are no brainers since raccoons don’t care about human scent and could care less what the trap looks like. For fox and coyote, it has to be natural with absolutely no trace of human activity in the area.

I almost caught a finger in one trap. Thankfully, it grabbed my glove and the meat of my thumb was barely pinched. It’s back to Trapping Safety 101. I’ll get back into the swing of things after a few days.

After making and re-making, hopefully, it's ready to catch something... other than my finger.
A nap and shower was next on the agenda late Monday afternoon. I sipped a cup of tea then feeling the welcome warmth of the wood stove a few feet from my recliner, let myself slip into a wonderful blanket of unconsciousness for half-an-hour. I’m sure it’s written in the Grandpa’s Handbook that I’m allowed to take an occasional daylight snooze.

Sargie arrived home later last night after visiting Mr. Milligan at the VA Hospital. Watching Dancing with the Stars, we ate our supper in front of the television and called it a day soon after. It had been a long one for both of us.

She came bearing a gift… a new coffee maker. We had three, but only two worked.

I’m convinced the old under-the-counter maker was manufactured during the Civil War days. The seals are worn out and the unit leaks everywhere before a pot of coffee is eventually made. Sargie’s old Mr. Coffee gave up the ghost Saturday morning. The switch broke leaving it in the off position. I have a small six-cup coffee maker that works well, but in reality it makes six, thimbles-worth. I’ve been reminded often that I drink my java by the mug full, not a mere formal cup that is measured in six-ounce quantities.

Today. After Sargie heads off the save the eyeballs of America, I’ll walk my five miles then check the traps. If it’s not raining too badly, I’ll no doubt make some more sets.

It’s Tuesday which means I need to read and grade assignments and I just remembered, there’s a load of clothes in the washer that need drying, folding, and put away.

A man’s work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road…

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